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Training Camp 2022 Athletes take on Edmonton

11 swimmers, 2 coaches, 14 days and one house - what could go wrong? 


Masters Swimmers - Calling all early birds!

We have Masters group (18+) availability at Crystal Pool on Tuesday / Thursday mornings, 6:15- 7:30am. Come join us for a morning swim to start your day! All levels and skill abilities welcome. To register, click here


3rd day with 3 new records at U-Sports

The last and final day of 2022 U-Sport Championships proved sucessful for the Vikes Swimmers with 3 additional school records, to total of 12 new Vikes records set this competition and one bronze medal for Sophie Tarrant in 200m breaststroke. The Vikes finished the morning prelims with three bids to the A Finals, four to the B Finals, and two to the C Finals on the final day of racing. 

Story from: Vikes Nation. Click here to read more. 


U-Sports Day 2 with 4 new Vikes records

Day 2 of 3 at U-Sport Championships we had four new vikes record set by Sophie Tarrant (200m breastroke), Jacob Rambo (100m backstroke), & A. Stull, R. Millns, J. Rambo, and W. Risk (Men's 4x200m freestyle relay).

Story from: Vikes Nation. Click here to read more.


U-Sport Championships Day 1: Go Vikes Go!

Our affiliated Uvic-Vikes swim team are tearing it up in Quebec at 2022 U-Sport Swimming Championships! 5 of the Vikes swimmers set new Vikes Records already on day 1. A total of 16 Vikes earned swims in the finals, with one A Final, seven B Final, and eight C Final bids secured after the prelims.

Story from: Vikes Nation. Click here to read more. Want to stay up to date? Check out the Vikes's swimming Instagram @vikesswimming. 


Spring Break Updates

All programs and practices will run regulalry through the two weeks of spring break. This includes Lightning Fast, Recreational Programs, Competitive Programs, and School Teams unless otherwise noted. 

Enjoy your spring break! 


Performances at Provincials

It has been a busy weekend at Commonwealth Pool with over 720 swimmers competing in this year's 2022 Swim BC Provincial Championships. Our team of Pacific Coast Swimming qualifiers have been shining with some fantastic performances so far this weekend. On Friday, Conor Poulin qualified for his first Canadian Westerns cut in 400m freestyle. Elizabeth Saska (first provincial compeition) came third in both the 100m freestyle & 50m backstroke. 


Ron Jacks: Coach Emeritus

Ron Jacks will be moving from his daily role as Pacific Coast Swimming’s Director of Swimming to a new Coach Emeritus/Mentoring position.


85 PCS swimmers at Duncan's Invitational

What better way to spend the weekend than at a swim meet with 84 other team mates?

85 of our Pacific Coast Swimming swimmers spent the weekend racing at Duncan's 2022 Spring Invitational swim meet. From first time racers to provincial qualifiers, we had an action-packed weekend of cheering & racing. Congratulations to the newly qualified regional, divisional, and provincial qualifiers from this weekend! Thank you to the Duncan Stingrays for hosting the competition & to all officials, volunteers and coordinators for making the meet run smoothly. 


Final Day at Divisionals

PCS went out with a bang today and finished strong through the end of our last session at 2022 Winter Fraser & Island Divisionals. We had 12 top 3 podium finishes today. Our finals session started with 200m breaststroke with Iris Wu placing first with a personal best and provincial qualifying time. Maelle Sanborn placed 5th in that same final with a personal best time. In the 13-14 age category, Tracy Zhao placed 8th overall.



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