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Pacific Coast Swimming Covid 19 Update

May 14, 2021

Thank you to all of the many people who have worked so hard to keep Pacific Coast Swimming running smoothly throughout the pandemic.

We are happy to say that the club has contonued to grow and prosper. We are now over 380 swimmers and have of our staff are back in place. 

We are very excited to have Gordon Head pool back on track. In a five day window we had a fantastic response and all positons are now full. 


Covid Update

Covid Update September 2020


What an interesting year it has been. We are all settling into more ‘new schedules’, guidelines and opportunities.

At the pool we are back in the water and looking at smiling kids getting fit, having fun and gaining experience in adaptation. 


August 3rd Facilities Update


Hope you're enjoying good family time somewhere in our wonderful province. It has been a strange time that has presented unique opportunities and challenges! We will move past this.

As it stands right now some pools are partially open but space is limited. We have been working hard to get as many PCS swimmers and LF swimmers in the water. This continues to be a major challenge.


June 12 Letter from the PCSPA President

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello, and on behalf of the PCS Parent Association Board, I hope that everyone is staying safe
and doing well during these uncertain times.

As President of the PCSPA, I want to assure you that the board, along with the coaches, have
been virtually meeting regularly since March. It has been a steep learning curve for everyone
involved in trying to provide continuity during these times.


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