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New Provincial Record for the Girls Relay Team

Updated 07-Mar-10

Congratulations to Rosie Moulton, Caileigh Filmer, Salin Bol, and Stefanie Schmidt. The girls set a new provincial record in the 4x100 F.R. They cut over 1 sec off the previous record. Well done!


Nick Sinclair Strikes Gold at CIS Championships

TORONTO - Nick Sinclair struck gold in the 200m backstroke and Craig Dagnall won bronze in the 1500m freestyle as the CIS Championships came to a close for the UVic Vikes swimming team.



Report from Campbell River Eliminator

Report from Coach Mark.

We brought ten swimmers up to the meet. It was a nice sunny weekend in Campbell River which made the trip really nice. All the kids swam really well and improved a lot. Only 5 or 6 swims were not best times overall. So the trip was a big success with Braeden Copeman and Dana Goerzen having their first meet experience out of town. Emma Reinsch achieved her AA time on the first leg of the Freestyle relay!


Update from the Last Day of Westerns

Highlights from the final day of Westerns from Coach Rod.

100 BR
Sophie Borchers finished 9th and established a new club records at 1:15.35.
Hanna Carter finished 23rd and had a personal best by 1 second.

100 FL
Rachael Newman finished 10th in a time of 1:05.50

800 FR
Stefanie Schmidt 11th

Well done all!


Updates from Day Three of Westerns

Results Day Three
Rachael Newman - Bronze in 200 Fly in Youth Final. She posted a PB of 2:19.54
Julia Schmidt - 9th in the B finals of the 16&over 200 fly.
Stefanie Schmidt - 6th in 200 Back in the Youth Final. Her time of 2:15.84 narrowly missed the Provincial record of 2:14.32 held by Suzanne Weckend. Her coach at the time - Ron Jacks!
The girls Youth 4x100 M.R. set a new Club Record smashing the previous mark by just shy of 20 seconds!. New time 4:29.(Schmidt. Borchers, Newman and Hayward)


Updates from Day One and Two of Westerns

Took two days to reach Saskatoon after canceled and delayed Air Canada flights. The crew of 9 UVPCS swimmers stayed right on track through out.

Day one Highlights
Stefanie Schmidt fought hard to finish 8th in 1500, just off her best.
Racahel Newman netted a personal best 50 Fly and got under :30 sec for thr first time.
Hanna Carter snapped over a second off her personal best in the 50m BR.
Sophia Borchers also had a personal best in 50m BR.
Rachael Newman lead the girls 4x200 FR off in a PB the team finished 20th.


UVic's Sinclair is featured in Sports Illustrated

by Mike Tucker, UVic Communications Officer

VICTORIA - Nick Sinclair, a member of the UVic Vikes men's swim team, is featured in the "Faces in the Crowd" section of the February 15th issue of Sports Illustrated magazine.

The UVic Science student was recognized after becoming the first athlete in Canada West history to be named swimmer of the meet and rookie of the meet in the same year at the conference championships, and the first Vikes male swimmer to capture either award.

The bio accompanying his photo reads:


Results for the UVic-PCS Dual Meet Are Posted

Results from the UVic-PCS Dual Meet that took place on February 7, 2010 at UVic, are now posted on our Results Page.


Results for the BC AA Championships Are Posted

The results for the BC AA Championships in Penticton are now posted on the Results Page. Pictures and write-up from the weekend will be posted later today.


Victoria’s Richard Weinberger Joins Big Leagues With Performance at Open Water Swim

VICTORIA – What does it take to be among the best open water swimmers in the world? Nineteen-year-old Richard Weinberger appears to have the guts, stamina and talent to be with the best if his performance this past Sunday at a World Cup in Brazil is any indication.

Afflicted with a serious case of food poisoning which caused diarrhoea and vomiting, the morning of the race, Weinberger soldiered on to the starting dock in Santos and swam the 10 kilometre event in two hours and 15 minutes and 05.12 seconds for 21st place.



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