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Fourth and Final day at Summer Provincials

Our fourth and final evening at UBC started off with Lucy Hallett in the 1500m freestyle. Hallett finished 6th overall in the 1500m swims to finish off her 2021-22 season. Following the distance races, 100m butterfly had Chernenkoff off again with a fantastic finals swim. Mila dropped 1.4 seconds off her best time to come 5th overall, moving up four places from 9th. Bridget was up next in the 15-16 age category, placing 9th in the final just over her best. In the 17&over boy's 100m fly category, Bryce Baker moved up from 17th to 7th in prelims with a best time, and further tonight moved through to 6th overall dropping more time from his time improvement. Folliwing 100m fly was 200m backstroke, with Riley Greenfield & Bridget Rupert both placing 10th in their finals. Rubin Lee started us off on the boy's side, placing 5th overall right on his best time. Bryce Baker was in his second final for the night, also placing 5th in the 17& over final a few seconds over his best. Up next for some fast freestyle we had 6 finalists in the 50m free. Sophie Wood placed 1st in the girl's Multi-Class para 50m freestyle a tenth over her best. Callum Roberston shaved 2 seconds off his personal best to finish 4th overall. Mila took it away again for her 19th swim of the competition, finishing 9th a couple of tenths over her best time. Our boy's side of freestyle started with Kieran. After taking off a tenth this morning, Feenstra snuck into the freestyle final 10th and managed to move up to finish 5th, dropping an additional half second. Tchaouchev & Guterriez took on the 15-16 category, with Atanas placing 7th dropping a tenth from this morning. Guterriez finished 9th with a .8 personal best improvement. 

Thank you to Swim BC, the officials, volunteers, and to VPSC for hosting the 2022 Summer Provincials. Up next for our Uvic-Pacific Coast Swimming swimmers is an array of various meets - some to Far Westerns in California, some to Mid-Summer madness in Victoria, BC (hosted by us!), and some to Montreal for Junior & Senior Nationals.  
