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Pacific Coast Swimmers and Parents Association

2023-2024 Board of Directors:

President Angus Ross
Vice President Willow Rupert
Treasurer Holly Moulton
Secretary Mike Sanborn
Director of Technology Erik van Maren
Club Officials Director David Fairhurst
Volunteer Coordinator Angus Ross
Swimmer's Representative Vacant
Members at Large Darci Greenfield
Alan Schroeder

Pacific Coast Swimmers and Parents Association has a constitution and bylaws.  As well we have a personal information and privacy policy.

The PCSPA board meets approximately once per month.  However, the actual dates, times and locations can vary so please check the list of Upcoming Events of the website for the most current meeting information.  All PCSPA members are welcome and encouraged to attend the board meetings.  Standing rules for how the board meetings are conducted are available.

New to swimming and our club? We have created a PCS Parents Handbook to cover the basics about being a swim family.