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Nanaimo Invitational

UVPCS went up to Nanaimo October 26th-27th for the first short course swim meet of the season, amongst all of the other Vancouver Island teams. Our 65 swimmers took up a good chunk of the 330 swimmers, and had some great swims all around. It served as an assessment for the early season, and showed some big improvements in our younger swimmers, with some great developments in skills and techniques being shown in the pool. Heats were swam mixed gender as a timed final, so there was some fast swimming in each heat.  


Cracker 17 Closed

Thank you to all of the Clubs who support the Xmas Cracker every year. The meet is now full and closed.

Looking forward to seeign all of you!

PCS Crew.


2019 Swim with the Vikes

Swim with the Vikes 2019

Four PCS athletes selected to Prov ID team

Congratulations to PCS athletes Jacob Rambo, Naeva Scott Bouris, Keir Oglivie and Hana Edwards on their selection to the Swim BC ID team. The group represents the largest contingent from any team in BC on the squad which will take part in two preparation camps (Oct 04-6 and Nov 22-24) as well as the opportunity to  compete for Canada in Luxembourg in January.



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