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UVIC Announces McKinnon Pool to close after 50 years

After more than five decades UVic’s McKinnon pool has reached the end of its life cycle. Like many Canadian pools built in the 1960’s to 1980’s it has reached a point where upgrades are no longer cost effective and a rebuild is still in the future. McKinnon pool will close permanently in September 2024.

We have been aware of this possibility for some time and we have made arrangements to accommodate all of the UVPCS athletes through some schedule changes and some additions of pool time at other facilities.

This will necessitate some adaptations to our regular schedules and will result in new steps forward. Equipment storage, training schedules, and dry land activities will be somewhat impacted, but we will be continuing with all of our development and competitive groups.

We will be sending updates over the next few weeks on how it will settle out.

The PCS Crew!

Link to official announcements below.

UVIC to close its doors after 50 years
