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Volunteer Summaries for the Canadian Swimming Trials 2022

Meet Name: Canadian Swimming Trials 2022
Session: Pre-Meet Setup (Half Session)
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Pool Deck Setup and Decoration Vaile Wickheim Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 01
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Dale Esson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Louis Mathieu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Sophie Lanthier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Charles Sorel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Morag Mcmillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Julie Allaire Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Janine Konkel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Kim Christesen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Uliana Saveleva Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Carrie Matheson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Yong Cai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hiroshi Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alexandra Lepage Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alison Koropatniski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Noreen de Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sean De Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Woodward Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Louis Mathieu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal wai Mak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 02
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Field of Play Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Ian Mattock Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Sho Masuda Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker susan fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Carrie Matheson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner X X Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner X X Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marcia Kormendy Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Noreen de Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sean De Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Karly Fraser Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Woodward Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Uliana Saveleva Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jamie Hutton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Riley Andrusak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal wai Mak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 03
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer X X Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Louis Mathieu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Jason Ogilvie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Uliana Saveleva Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Julie Allaire Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Janine Konkel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Tonya Warren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Carrie Matheson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Alice Gentleman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Mah Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alexandra Lepage Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Fang ZHAO Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ken Chan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Noreen de Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sophie Lanthier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Charles Sorel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer X X Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sean De Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer pei wang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Guy Cookson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Emilia (Lia) Damian Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Dale Esson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Louis Mathieu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Clouston Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 04
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Matthew Jackson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Grace Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Naeva Scott Bouris Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum L S Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Liz sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Lianne Crawford Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer JOHN he Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jocelyn Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hiroshi Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kennadie Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Taylor Snowden-Richardson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Elizabeth Wipper Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Catherine de Groot-Hedlin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jason Ogilivie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lisa Helmer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Noreen de Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michael Hedlin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sean De Pol Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal John He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 05
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Dale Esson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Uliana Saveleva Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Laurel Laturnus Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Janine Konkel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Tanna Giroux Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner X X Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jason Ogilvie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Mah Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Yoshiko Tchaouchev Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ken Chan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Donna Sutherland Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer pei wang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Granth Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Woodward Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hui Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lily Dong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Dale Esson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Clouston Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 06
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Jason Ogilvie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Shannon Woodward Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker susan fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Carrie Matheson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Bob Baker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Aline Woodward Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer JOHN he Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sidney Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jamie Hutton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Christine Crockford Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Blair Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Avery Neal Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kovan Lau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Valeria Tonix Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cienna Vu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joyanne Longmore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Karly Fraser Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Sydney Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal JOHN He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 07
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Dale Esson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Jason Ogilvie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Greg Beamish Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Laurel Laturnus Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Fang ZHAO Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Yong Cai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Yong Cai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Lily Dong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Mila Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Adam Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Julie Huang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Yoshiko Tchaouchev Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nanci Dodman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Mah Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ken Chan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer pei wang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Granth Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hui Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 08
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Glenn Greig Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Naeva Scott Bouris Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Avery Neal Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality isabelle wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Alice Gentleman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Amanda McCallu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Susan Fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum L S Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Kennadie Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Julie Huang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hiroshi Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lindsay Warder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Todd Hallett Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Taylor Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Peter Jeffrey Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Riley Andrusak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Guy Cookson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tiffany Francois Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Fiona Costello Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Allan Chapman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 09
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Matthew Jackson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Sophie Lanthier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Charles Sorel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Julie Allaire Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Sawyer Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Hilary Hagel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Uliana Saveleva Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum MIN ZHAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Valerie Tsai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kovan Lau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Margaret Ma Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marcia Kormendy Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Louis Mathieu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alan Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Maddie Koropatniski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Winnie Tsai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mike Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Andrea Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Isaac Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kevin Yin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Matthew deGoey Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 10
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Matthew Jackson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Taylor Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Mathius Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Glenn Greig Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality MIN ZHAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner liz sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sophie Sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Rubin Lee Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security JOHN he Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer jacob he Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Pang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristen Bradley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Valeria Tonix Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cienna Vu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lindsay Warder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer L Sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Roger Salagunla Doss Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Deb Dumas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Isaac Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer pei wang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Scott Ballantyne Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Kate Ballantyne Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 11
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Grace Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Zoe Macmillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Marguerite Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker George Dervishi Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker George Dervishi Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Anna Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sidney Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Matthew deGoey Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Winnie Tsai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Valerie Tsai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Margaret Ma Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Donna Sutherland Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marcia Kormendy Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alan Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Pang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Karly Fraser Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mike Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cienna Vu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Andrea Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Roger Salagunla Doss Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Peter Jeffrey Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Guy Cookson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal wai Mak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 12
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Clerk of Course Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Lianne Crawford Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Taylor Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Field of Play Sydney Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Avery Neal Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Isabelle Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Carol Ghufran Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum L S Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Mac Macdonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Recorder-Scorer Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner liz sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Runner Sophie sska Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Emilia Damian Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Blair Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kovan Lau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Brandon Warren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jessica Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Gossman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Marie-France St-Amour Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alison Koropatniski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristen Bradley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Taylor Snowden-Richardson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Catherine de Groot-Hedlin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Isaac Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michael Hedlin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Deb Dumas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shih-Yi Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Misha Young Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Sydney Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jane Maycock Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Pre-Meet Training Session 01
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Proof of Vaccination Checker Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Maddie Koropatniski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Taylor Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Pru Feeney Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Pre-Meet Training Session 02
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Proof of Vaccination Checker Alice Gentleman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker JOHN he Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Christina Parkhurst Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Ethan He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Pre-Meet Training Session 03
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Proof of Vaccination Checker Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Marcy Kormendy Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Pre-Meet Training Session 04
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Proof of Vaccination Checker Alice Gentleman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change