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Volunteer Summaries for BC Winter Provincial Championships 2022

Meet Name: BC Winter Provincial Championships 2022
Session: Pre-Meet Setup (Half Session)
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Booth and Electronics Setup Adam Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Pool Deck Setup and Decoration Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 01
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Laura Housden Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Chief Timer Andrea Hunter Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Willow Rupert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Derek Wheeler Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Stephanie Wakefield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Indra Trujillo Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Graham Wood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Darci Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Simone Peters Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Georgette Walker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doug Petriw Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Bob Baker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Courtney White Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jing Zhang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn DANIEL FASSINA Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jocelyn Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Edward Lambke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristi Tetzlaff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Dalzell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jennifer Westcott Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rikki Nevins Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Katherine Baker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Elma Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ming Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Glynes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Fang Zhao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hongjing Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer James McBean Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nigel Seneviratne Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stephanie Yamaoka Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Pamela Rutten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer An Cheng Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Katerina Haigh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Charla Weatherhead Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allen LeCorre Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Moira Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Duncan Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Buck Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tiffany King Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Morag Mcmillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cathy Rooke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nicole Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allison Sanderson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jie Pan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 02
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Andrea Hunter Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Willow Rupert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Shylla Guzman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Rubia Apdal-Villamin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Lisa Feeney Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Bonnie Kuan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Ian Mattock Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Lasz Sas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Adam Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Winnie Wong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Anthony Chow Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Bonnie Kuan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Wing Zeng Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Maggie Scott Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sasha Okyere Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Christy Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sandy Herbert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Kim Hastie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Khay See Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rob Smith Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jeannette Beauregard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lyndsay Langlois Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jaylin Loeppky Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer John Wiman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer LESLI MEYER Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lyudmila Merkulova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Loretta Nicholson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sade Okyere Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Brian Horan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gord Johnson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Corinne Rogers Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hongjing Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Julie Cinel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Melissa McKnight Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Fang ZHAO Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Yoshiko Tchaouchev Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Meghann Bruneau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer kerry McArthur Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mavis CHUNG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Greg Beamish Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nanci Dodman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Yoshiko Tchaouchev Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 03
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Khay See Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jacqui Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Nicole Benson. Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Alison Biggan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality WING HAN WONG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Coralyn Siytangco Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Niki Jacques Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Sumi Kim Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Edward Lambke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sholeh Khayat Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Georgette Walker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Shan Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Andrzej Jerome Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Maryschak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nicole Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Yan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Anthony Chow Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jodi Hayhoe Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Darren Morgans Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Danielle Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Glynes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Teng Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cathy Verge Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ming Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cindy Erickson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Leah Perrier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jenny Mowat Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 04
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Shylla Guzman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Rubia Apdal-Villamin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Doug Petriw Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Kina He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Paul Lee Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Carol YAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Winnie Wong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Bonnie Kuan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Christy Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Kim Hastie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sandy Herbert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Colleen Inglis Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Wing Zeng Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Fang Zhao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jessica Jensen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Minnie Ho Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Khay See Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Maggie Scott Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ian Murray Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rosanna Louie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Steve McLeod Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Anna Lui Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Erin Dickieson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lesli Meyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer James McBean Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Brian Horan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ming Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Wade Lai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jill Friend Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tristin Wilson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hongjing Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer John Hossack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Kehler Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jaylin Loeppky Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Yoshiko Tchaouchev Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Meghann Bruneau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lyudmila Merkulova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grace Nie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stacey Corrigan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 05
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Laura Housden Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Lindsay Petty Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Kathy Andrusak Island swim club Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Lisa Feeney Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Kathy Findlay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Sara Stafford Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Mike Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Graham Wood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Paul Lee Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Darci Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jocelyn Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Bob Baker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroshi Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Chris Hawkins Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Fang ZHAO Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sandra McDonald Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sholeh Khayat Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Heather Ney Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jing Zhang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Morch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Benson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mathias Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Catherine thai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stephanie Yamaoka Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nicole Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Morag McMillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Adam Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ming Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shannon Dalzell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jennifer Westcott Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allison Sanderson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Melissa McKnight Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Glynes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rumi Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mike Hanrahan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Katherine Baker Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristi Tetzlaff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer An Cheng Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Hongjing Chen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer John Hossack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Pamela Rutten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Katerina Haigh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alan Haigh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Charla Weatherhead Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Robert Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Elma Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Moira Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cathy Rooke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tiffany King Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Beinder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Lindsay Petty Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 06
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Rob Smith Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jacqui Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Kristi McIntosh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Jie Pan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality WING HAN WONG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Amy Shen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Kacey (or Graham or Shannon) Dalzell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security wai Mak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Anthony Chow Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Christy Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn susan fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Beinder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Shan Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn HEATHER HAYWARD Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Francis Camaraire Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Maryschak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Dave Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Adam Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Edie Gyorki Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rumi Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Yan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jenny Slinn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jing Zhang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jodi Hayhoe Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Darren Morgans Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Danielle Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Teng Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cindy Erickson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal John Wiman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Ramon Siytangco Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jenny Mowat Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 07
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Laura Housden Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Daniel Fassina Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Lindsay Petty Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Tracy Poulin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Callum Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Kathy Findlay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Bonnie Wai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Adam Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Graham Wood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Julie Cinel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Darci Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rob Cottrell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rob Smith Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Duncan Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Courtney White Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn John He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Beinder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Kina He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroshi Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Shane Hopkins-Utter Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doug Petriw Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Margaret Ma Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Morag Mcmillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cathy Rooke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Evan Peters Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tiffany King Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jennifer Hicks Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mary Leighton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Russ Tulloch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kacey Dalzell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Robert Feenstra Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Glynes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristi Tetzlaff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Elma Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stephanie Yamaoka Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Penny Nabozniak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Katerina Haigh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Allen LeCorre Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Renée Lelièvre Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Alan Haigh Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Pamela Rutten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Charla Weatherhead Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Adam Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Andrea Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Robert Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Corey Miller Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Moira Ong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Ahoy Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jing Zhang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Simone Peters Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Lindsay Petty Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 08
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Khay See Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Daniel Fassina Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Shylla Guzman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Rubia Apdal-Villamin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality WING HAN WONG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Kathy Findlay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Doug Petriw Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Richel Condie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum MIN ZHAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Bonnie Kuan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Minnie Ho Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Heather Ney Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Christy Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Kim Hastie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Colleen Inglis Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Susan Fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mercedes Hayduk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jessica Jensen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jenny Slinn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Peter Jeffrey Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Etienne Theron Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rosanna Louie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lu-Zahn Theron Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rachelle Perry Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Loretta Nicholson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Dave Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Patrick McKnight Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jamie Meyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jill Friend Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Maria Gorelova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer John Hossack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Meghann Bruneau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer LESLI MEYER Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lyudmila Merkulova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jaylin Loeppky Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stacey Corrigan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Anna Lui Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Nanci Dodman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal John Wiman Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 09
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Clerk of Course Daniel Fassina Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Jacqui Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Nicole Benson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Nicole Benson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Anthony Chow Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality WING HAN WONG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Bruneau Bruneau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Andrea Sanborn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Paul Lee Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum MIN ZHAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Niki Jacques Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security wai Mak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Maryschak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Beinder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jessie Qin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Christy Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Shan Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Raymond Wei Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kae Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Blair Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn HEATHER HAYWARD Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cindy Erickson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Edie Gyorki Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Dave Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Will Zibell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Todd Hallett Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Yan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Amy Shen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Darren Morgans Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Maria Gorelova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Danielle Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Teng Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Amy Shen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Ramon Siytangco Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Jenny Mowat Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 10
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Willow Rupert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Anthony Chow Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Rubia Apdal-Villamin Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality WING HAN WONG Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Jennifer Yee Fairweather Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Kathy Findlay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Carol YAN Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Paul Lee Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Winnie Wong Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Justin Law Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jeannette Beauregard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Susan Fack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Helen Wiacek Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Kim Hastie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doug Petriw Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn David Burton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Doris Dreyer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Gavin Wang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Stamhuis Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ying Fan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Gurinder Sangha Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ian Murray Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Etienne Theron Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rachelle Perry Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lu-Zahn Theron Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rikki Nevins Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stephanie Wakefield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Brian Horan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Wade Lai Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Patrick McKnight Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jill Friend Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Heather Burwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer John Hossack Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Meghann Bruneau Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Maria Gorelova Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Helena Joubert Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jaylin Loeppky Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Joanna Larson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Michelle Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Leah Perrier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angela Powley Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Victoria Lou Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 11
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Chief Timer Andrea Huntet Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Miranda Benn Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Andrea Nugent Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality Richel Condie Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Doreen Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Scarlet Yum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Gus Mercer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Andrea Mercer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Graham Wood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Adam Chernenkoff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Darci Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Margaret Ma Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Karen Tannas Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Jocelyn Sheppard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Courtney White Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn John He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Janelle Hunt Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Tanya Evans Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mike Stamhuis Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Khay See Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Chris Hawkins Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mariko Namba Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mathias Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn jie wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Benson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Tiffany King Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Shane Hopkins-Utter Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer David Pang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Stephanie Yamaoka Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Pam Rutten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Robert Feenstra Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Craig Pearse Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Charla Weatherhead Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cheryl Morch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Adam Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jennifer Westcott Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nicole Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Emma Attwell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer PENNY NABOZNIAK Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Rumi Hayes Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kaitlyn Clarke Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carolyn Greenwood Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer TANNER NABOZNIAK Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kristi Tetzlaff Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Renée Lelièvre Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Duncan Moore Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Emma Taylor Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Adam Greenfield Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Maria Nordlund Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Peter Dietsch Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Morag Mcmillan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Mary Leighton Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jing Zhang Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Kacey Dalzell Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Jennifer Stephenson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Nigel Seneviratne Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Aaron Renyard Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Kina He Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Angus Ross Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Session: Session 12
Position First Name Last Name Edit link Delete link
Clerk of Course Jacqui Boone Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Clerk of Course Andrea Nugent Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Deck Marshal Kelly Murray Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Hospitality TRISTIN WILSON Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timing Booth Recorder (Hytek) Doreen Meldrum Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Gus Mercer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Proof of Vaccination Checker Andrea Mercer Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Erik van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Quantum Anne-Marie van Maren Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Security Julie Cinel Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Nicole Maryschak Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn HEATHER HAYWARD Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Rachel Li Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Leah Perrier Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Mathias Hulten Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Shan Wen Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Sandra Golinowski Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Scott Tremblay Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Francis Camaraire Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Stroke and Turn Alice Kao Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Lucy Yu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Cindy Erickson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Edie Gyorki Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Grant Hill Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Carol Yan Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Ivanna Wu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Danielle Schroeder Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Darren Morgans Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Blair Robertson Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Timer Teng Liu Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Ramon Siytangco Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal Hiroko Yamamoto Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change
Warmup Safety Marshal David Kirk Contact Volunteer Coordinator to change